Ross Dermatology

Laser Hair Removal: What you need to know

Oct 13, 2023
Laser hair removal is benefical for many different types of people no matter the hair type or skin tone. The widely known treatment makes many lives easier compared to shaving and waxing. Say good bye to pesky hairs and never look back!

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is typically preformed by physcians or trained professionals through the process of destorying hair follicules with the use of heat from the lasers light. LHR can be preformed almost anywhere hair grows suh as the underarms, legs, face, arms, and even feet. This process gradually slows the hair growth process and causes the hair to thin after an average of six sessions. Eventually, resulting in minimal hair growth after the series is completed. Although laser hair removal is not permanant the effect can last years if not disturbed by hormonal imbalance. For the best LHR results it is recommended to shave before each sessions and be consistant with sessions.


To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call us at any of our locations, or book online today.

Are you a canidate?

Laser hair removal can be preformed on all skin fitzpatricks but works most effectively on light skin tones with dark hair. Your skintone along with hair thickness will determine which type of laser and setting will be used. For example, canidates that are fitzpatrick I-IV an Alexandrite Laser would be preferred versus fitzpatrick IV-VI a YAG laser would be preferred. This is important to prevent burns on the skin and sucessful results. 


What are the benefits?

  • Safe for all skin types 
  • Long term results
  • Reduced ingrown hairs
  • Typically quick sessions
  • Minimal side effects
  • No need for waxing, tweezing, or shaving
  • No downtime